A stay in Ahmedabad is not only an opportunity to discover the city, but also its surroundings. About three miles from our hotel in Ahmedabad, enjoy a refreshing break at the Kankaria Lake recreation center. If you’re traveling with children, they will certainly love a visit to the aquarium and the zoo. On the agenda: rare birds, reptiles and Bengal tigers. Near the train station, don’t miss the show offered by the Shaking Minarets, Siamese towers whose walls vibrate. If one starts to shake, the other does, too! Finally, do not leave the city without passing under the Teen Darwaza viaduct, which is the gateway to the former royal palace. Dating back to the 15th century, it rests on three arches adorned with delicate sculptures. Round off your day with a meal of Indian specialties at one of the tables at our Golden Tulip restaurant.